Path to Publish

Professional Development Workshop - Path to Publish:
Journal of Managerial Issues (JMI) - MWAOM Special Issue


  • Increase awareness and interest in the JMI-MWAOM special issue among our members. 
  • Provide valuable support and guidance to authors through personalized feedback on their extended abstracts, enabling them to refine their work for potential consideration for the special issue.
  • Enhance the overall quality of scholarly work that is submitted to the conference and the special issue.

Workshop Overview:

The PDW session will be held virtually in April. It will be 1.5 hours, divided into two main components: 

  1. The first 15-20 minutes will provide an overview of the JMI-MWAOM special issue, explaining the partnership between the journal and our organization, as well as outlining the review and publication process. This introduction will set the stage for authors and familiarize them with the submission requirements and expectations.
  2. The next 70 minutes will involve breakout rooms, where authors will have the opportunity to receive personalized feedback and actionable steps from experienced authors. Each breakout room will be led by a facilitator who will review and provide guidance on the authors’ 2-3 page extended abstracts. The facilitators will be assigned no more than three abstracts each to ensure individual attention and constructive feedback.

Eligibility and Submission:

To be eligible to participate in the PDW, authors must submit a 2-3 page extended abstract. The abstract should include an overview of the project, research question, relevant literature demonstrating the need, methodology, analysis, and results. The submission deadline for extended abstracts will be in March. 


Facilitator Selection and Review Process:

Selected papers will be assigned to facilitators for review before the PDW date. Facilitators will carefully review the extended abstracts and come prepared to provide insightful feedback to authors during the breakout room sessions. Assigning no more than three abstracts per facilitator will ensure a manageable workload and encourage thorough and meaningful reviews.


Please fill out this form to sign up, active membership is required to continue.  Become a member here.