About us

About Us

Community of Holistic Scholars

The Midwest Academy of Management (MWAOM) comprises researchers and practitioners committed to leveraging their expertise to improve business and society. We aim to promote and foster the professional growth of our members while advancing management theory, research, and education. We advance the efforts of AOM by organizing academic conferences servicing the Midwest region. 

Our focus is creating a welcoming and collegial community that values a balance of research, teaching, service, and practice with the goal of developing the whole scholarly professional. Namely, we aim to provide: an inclusive community, holistic scholar development, and collaborative growth.

An Inclusive Community

We prioritize inclusivity, diversity, and the elevation of all voices, fostering a welcoming environment where every member is valued for their unique perspectives and contributions. We value inclusivity that celebrates our members’ diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Holistic Scholar Development

We are person-centric and value the holistic scholar, emphasizing a balance of research, teaching, service, and practice to nurture the professional growth and development of our members.

Collaborative Growth

We value collaborative and collegial environments, promoting teamwork and partnership among our members, with a commitment to continuous development and growth within our community. We support collaborative partnerships leading to the advancement of management scholarship.

We strive to achieve this through advancing the practices of our profession for all members. In addition to disseminating scholarly work, we place special priority on advancing the capabilities and opportunities for members with regards to:

Research development

  • Writing workshops
  • Journal editor forums
  • Paper feedback and development

Teaching development

  • Innovations in teaching delivery
  • Scholarship of Teaching workshops
  • Case teaching and writing workshops

Service development

  • Professional socialization
  • Reviewer development
  • Strategy for service leadership opportunities

Elected Board Officers

Young Ro

President (2022-2023)
Past President (2023-2024)

Ranjan Karri

Program Chair (2022-2023)
President (2023-2024)
Past President (2024-2025)

Shontarius Aikens

Program Chair-Elect (2022-2023)
Program Chair (2023-2024)
President (2024-2025)
Past President (2025-2026)

Michele Heath

Program Chair-Elect(2023-2024)
Program Chair (2024-2025)
President (2025-2026)
Past President (2026-2027)

Elected Board Members

Mona Bahl

Representative-At-Large (2022-2025)
Track 1

Dan Chen

Dan Chen

Representative-At-Large (2024-2027) Track 1

Get in touch!