Submission Guidelines

2025 Conference

CSU Building

68th Annual Meeting

October 9-11, 2025
Cleveland State University
Monte Ahuja College of Business

For more information or to get involved, contact: Michele L. Heath 
[email protected]
Midwest 2025 Program Chair

Call for Papers


General Submission Guidelines

Each submission can be submitted to only ONE track.

At the time of submission, submitted work must not have been previously presented, scheduled for presentation, published, or accepted for publication. If work is under review, it must NOT appear in print or online in any publication before the MWAOM Annual Meeting.

NO changes in submission title, abstract, authorship, and actual paper can occur AFTER the submission deadline. AUTHORS CANNOT BE ADDED AFTER SUBMISSION!

Conference Attendance & Registration Policy

For traditional papers, extended abstracts, and posters

Submitters do not need to be MWAOM members.  However, if the submission is accepted, at least one of the authors/contributors on a traditional paper, short paper, or poster will be required to meet the following minimum requirements:

  • join the MWAOM organization,
  • register for the annual MWAOM conference, and
  • deliver the presentation at the annual MWAOM conference.

Membership and conference registration involve separate fees. 

Failure to have at least one author/contributor on an accepted traditional paper, extended abstract, or poster to meet all the above minimum requirements will result in the submission being removed from the conference program.

PLEASE NOTE: Any additional authors or contributors on any accepted submissions who want to attend the annual Midwest Academy of Management conference to present in the session will also be required to a) join the MWAOM organization and b) register for the annual MWAOM conference.

For symposia and PDWs

Submitters do not need to be MWAOM members. However, if the submission is accepted, it is expected that all authors/contributors listed on the symposium or PDW will participate in delivering the presentation at the annual MWAOM conference. Therefore, each author/contributor must be a member of MWAOM and must register for the annual MWAOM conference. Membership and conference registration involve separate fees. 

Specific Submission Type Guidelines

Please adhere to the designated submission guidelines corresponding to the type of submission, as outlined below. Submissions that do not conform to these guidelines will not be reviewed or included in the program.


Traditional Paper Submission Guidelines

Traditional Papers are fully developed manuscripts up to 30 pages on a scholarly topic.

Traditional Papers are eligible for consideration for the Journal of Managerial Issues – MWAOM Special Issue.

Traditional Papers will be double-blind peer reviewed and should be submitted to the track that best aligns with the topic of the traditional paper (see the Call for Papers document).

Traditional Papers submitted should meet the following submission guidelines:

  1. The maximum length of a Traditional Paper is 30 pages (including the abstract, key words, the paper, and all figures, graphs, tables, appendices, and references).
  2. The entire submission must be in ONE document created in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or PDF (.pdf) and be formatted as follows:
    • Times New Roman 12-point font
    • Double-spaced
    • 1-inch (2.5cm) margin all around
    • 5” x 11” page setting
    • Number all the pages in the document
  4. REMOVE ALL AUTHOR-IDENTIFYING INFORMATION, including acknowledgements, from the uploaded document as this is the document reviewers will be reading. Note:  You will still include ALL authors associated with your submission during the submission process, but not on your document. The author information provided will appear in the conference program.
  5. Figures, graphs, tables, appendices and references should follow the Academy of Management Journal’s Style Guide.
  6. References may be single spaced.
  7. Make sure to check that the file or document uploaded is virus-free prior to submitting.


Extended Abstract Submission Guidelines 

 An Extended Abstract is a concise and structured submission up to 1250 words (not including title and references) describing research that enhance the progression of management knowledge across diverse management domains. Accepted Extended Abstracts will be invited to be presented in specialized sessions alongside similar topics.

Extended Abstracts offer an avenue for presenting in-depth insights into one’s research. They enable the dissemination of work that is nearing completion but not fully written, facilitating early-stage sharing of findings. Additionally, submitting an extended abstract can spur progress towards a full manuscript. Authors receive constructive feedback through the review process. Furthermore, acceptance of extended abstracts includes an invitation for presentation, representing a prestigious opportunity to disseminate scholarly work and an opportunity to receive real-time input from peers, fostering collaboration and enriching scholarly discourse.

Extended Abstracts will be double-blind peer reviewed and should be submitted to the Toward Impactful Research-Extended Abstracts track (see the Call for Papers document).

Extended Abstracts submitted should meet the following submission guidelines:

  1. The maximum length of an Extended Abstract is 1250 words (not including title or references) and must include the following key components:
    • Title (50-word limit): Ensure your title clearly and succinctly identifies the contents of the abstract.
    • Motivation/Background (250-word limit): Provide a brief overview of the research topic, outlining its significance and relevance to the field. Explain the context or background that led to the formulation of the research problem.
    • Problem Statement/Research Question (250-word limit): Clearly state the research problem or questions that the study aims to address. Define the scope of inquiry and identify the specific objectives or hypotheses guiding the research.
    • Methods/Approach (250-word limit): Describe the methodology or approach employed to investigate the research problem. Detail the research design, data collection methods, sampling procedures, and any analytical techniques utilized in the study.
    • Results (250-word limit): Present the findings of the research in a concise and organized manner. Report key observations, trends, or patterns identified through data analysis. Use tables, figures, or visual aids to enhance clarity and comprehension.
    • Conclusions (250-word limit): Summarize the main findings and their implications for theory, practice, or policy. Discuss the significance of the research outcomes and any recommendations for future research or practical application.
    • Citations (no limit): Provide appropriate citations to acknowledge sources of information, data, or theoretical frameworks used in the study. Follow a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, AMJ) and ensure accuracy in referencing.
    • Figures/Tables (optional, limited to 3): If you choose, you may provide up to three tables/figures/diagrams as they support your work.
    • Submitters must also indicate at least one, but up to two, categories:
      • Conflict Management
      • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
      • Entrepreneurship
      • Human Resources
      • International Business and Management
      • Leadership
      • Management Education and Development
      • Management Information Systems
      • Operations and Supply Chain Management
      • Organization and Management Theory
      • Organizational Behavior
      • Public and Nonprofit
      • Strategic Management
  1. The entire submission must be in ONE document created in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or PDF (.pdf) and be formatted as follows:
    • Times New Roman 12-point font.
    • Double-spaced
    • 1-inch (2.5cm) margin all around
    • 5” x 11” page setting
    • Number all the pages in the document
  3. REMOVE ALL AUTHOR-IDENTIFYING INFORMATION, including acknowledgements, from the uploaded document as this is the document reviewers will be reading. Note:  You will still include ALL authors associated with your submission during the submission process, but not on your document. The author information provided will appear in the conference program.
  4. Figures, graphs, tables, appendices and references should follow the Academy of Management Journal’s Style Guide.
  5. References may be single spaced and are not included in the word count.
  6. Make sure to check that the file or document uploaded is virus-free prior to submitting.


Poster Submission Guidelines 

A Poster is a visual/illustration that summarizes information and research concisely and attractively in a poster display for attendees to view.

Poster sessions offer a platform for researchers to showcase their management scholarship, fostering discussion and collaboration within the academic community. Posters facilitate networking and collaboration opportunities, potentially leading to fruitful partnerships. Additionally, the process of presenting posters assists in manuscript preparation, offering insights and feedback to refine research findings. Moreover, presenting posters can help justify funding to attend meetings, serving as a valuable avenue for professional development.

Poster submissions are NOT eligible for consideration for the Journal of Managerial Issues – MWAOM Special Issue.

To be considered for a Poster session, the submission consists of a 250-word abstract. Your abstract should clearly articulate the research question, methodology, findings, and implications.  The abstract will be double-blind peer reviewed and should be submitted to the Posters track (see the Call for Papers document). Abstracts accepted will be invited to convert the abstract into a Poster to be displayed and presented at the annual MWAOM conference during a Poster session.  Please following the submission guidelines below:

  1. The maximum length of a poster submission is 250 words (not including title or references) and must include the following key components:
    1. Title of Poster (50-word limit): Ensure your title clearly and succinctly identifies the contents of the abstract.
    2. Abstract Text (250-word limit): Craft your abstract with a maximum of 250 words. Avoid including the title and author information within the abstract body. Tables and graphics are discouraged due to space constraints and alignment issues.
    3. Citations, Credits, Footnotes, etc.: A separate entry line is permitted for citations, credits, footnotes, etc., and does not contribute to the word count of the abstract body.
  2. The entire submission must be in ONE document created in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or PDF (.pdf) and be formatted as follows:
    • Times New Roman 12-point font.
    • Double-spaced
    • 1-inch (2.5cm) margin all around
    • 5” x 11” page setting
    • Number all the pages in the document
  4. REMOVE ALL AUTHOR-IDENTIFYING INFORMATION, including acknowledgements, from the uploaded document as this is the document reviewers will be reading. Note:  You will still include ALL authors associated with your submission during the submission process, but not on your document. The author information provided will appear in the conference program.
  5. Make sure to check that the file or document uploaded is virus-free prior to submitting.


Symposium Submission Guidelines 

In Symposium sessions, several speakers discuss a common topic or theme in a manner that brings new insights to the subject. You can submit either a panel or presenter symposium.

  • Panel Symposium: The purpose of a Panel Symposium is to engage a group of panelists in an interactive discussion. There are no titles associated with the panelists’ presentations. Proposals for panel discussions should include clear descriptions of the topics to be discussed and the procedures that will be used to manage the discussion among panelists and with the audience.
  • Presenter Symposium: A Presenter Symposium involves a series of authored presentations on a preset theme. In a Presenter Symposium, titles are associated with each presentation. Presenter Symposia can involve co-authored presentations.

Symposium submissions are not double-blind peer reviewed.  In other words, reviewers will see the names of the presenters, participants, and organizers.  Proposals for Symposia are judged based on overall quality, interest to MWAOM members, relevance to attendees, innovation, and contribution to the program. Priority will be given to symposia related to the conference theme. 

A Symposium should be submitted to the track that best aligns with the topic(s) to be discussed in the Symposium session (see the Call for Papers document).  A Symposium submission must include the following information/content and be organized in the following order:

  1. A title page that includes:
    1. Title of symposium
    2. Whether it is a presenter symposium or a panel symposium
    3. Complete formal names and affiliations of all presenters, participants, and organizers).
  2. A 2-page minimum overview of the symposium that includes:
    1. An explanation of why the symposium should be of interest to the MWAOM’s academic or practitioner attendees.
    2. Proposed format of the symposium. Symposia should be designed to fit a 60- to 90-minute session.
  3. Presenter or panel symposium
    1. For PRESENTER symposia: An additional 2- to 5-page synopsis for each presentation, not including references. Each presentation may include a maximum of two additional pages of tables and figures. Tables and figures must be clear and legible, and should be no smaller than 10-point font. WORKS SUBMITTED IN A SYMPOSIUM CANNOT BE SUBMITTED IN ANY OTHER TRACK.
    2. For PANEL symposia: An additional 2- to 5-page summary of the panelists’ discussion. There may be no formal paper presentations within a panel symposium.
  4. Brief bios for the presenters, participants, and organizers of the symposium
  5. The entire submission must be in ONE document created in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or PDF (.pdf) and be formatted as follows:
    • Times New Roman 12-point font.
    • Double-spaced
    • 1-inch (2.5cm) margin all around
    • 5” x 11” page setting
    • Number all the pages in the document
  6. References may be single-spaced.
  7. Make sure to check that the file or document uploaded is virus-free prior to submitting.


Professional Development Workshop (PDW) Submission Guidelines 

A Professional Development Workshop (PDW) is a platform for colleagues to share knowledge and expertise and foster the professional development of workshop participants.  It is an opportunity to develop innovative and creative workshops that will benefit MWAOM members.

PDW submissions are not double-blind peer reviewed.  In other words, reviewers will see the names of each participant associated with the PDW.  Proposals for PDWs are judged based on overall quality, interest to MWAOM members, relevance to attendees, innovation, and contribution to the program. Priority will be given to PDWs related to the conference theme. 

A PDW should be submitted to the track that best aligns with the topic(s) to be discussed in the PDW session (see the Call for Papers document).  A PDW proposal must be a minimum of 5 pages and must include the following information/content and be organized in the following order:

  1. Page 1: Title page which contains the title of the workshop (in Title Case), the name and affiliation of each participant associated with the PDW, and up to 250-word abstract of the workshop.
  2. Page 2: One page explanation as to why the workshop should be of interest to MWAOM members.
  3. Page 3: One page description of the workshop’s format.
  4. Page(s) 4-6: Two to three-page overview of the workshop.
  5. The entire submission must be in ONE document created in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or PDF (.pdf) and be formatted as follows:
    • Times New Roman 12-point font.
    • Double-spaced
    • 1-inch (2.5cm) margin all around
    • 5” x 11” page setting
    • Number all the pages in the document
  6. Make sure to check that the file or document uploaded is virus-free prior to submitting.


*Guidelines were sourced and modified from the 2024 Academy of Management Guidelines for papers, symposia, and PDWs:

Latest update:  January 2, 2025